
Friday, June 22, 2012

How times have changed

I wonder how we went from this, to believing that being a size 0 is healthy?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I haven't posted in such a long time! I guess that happens when life gets crazy (and when I get easily distracted with Pinterest). Well, after 6 years of hard work, I have officially reached my goal weight!
Thanks to the amazing support and prayers of my family, friends, and of course, my amazing husband, I am able to look back over these years and feel so victorious! It's amazing when you meet people who have stories of amazing weight-loss, that most of them go through a complete spiritual transformation. I am a true believer that you cannot fix what is on the outside until you are honest with God with the issues within.
So now that I am down to my goal weight, I have found it difficult to be motivated to continue running consistently (especially after a few injuries, and a few awful races). I know it will take just as much hard work and dedication to keep the weight off as it did to get rid of it. So, if anyone has any motivating tips, let me know! 

So during this long break between posts, I have become completely obsessed with avocados! I have made a few very successful dishes. On of the things I love about avocados is that they are a perfect healthy replacement for mayo and other condiments (which I LOVE mayo, so I am glad I found a healthy and delicious alternative). I put a few slices of avocado on my sandwiches, burgers, wraps, and salads, and it adds amazing flavor. One of my favorite creations is avocado pizza...yes, it's amazing! Below is the recipe. Enjoy!

Avocado Pizza (makes two servings)
-2 whole wheat pita breads (I get mine at a discount bread store. They make perfect individual pizzas crusts!)
- 1 ripe avocado, mashed

-1/3 C. diced onion
-1/3 C. green pepper
-1 small tomato sliced or diced (however you like it)
-Cheese (whatever kind and however much you like on your pizza)
-Any other veggies or toppings you like (I have tried black beans, shredded chicken, corn, jalapenos, and lean steak, red and yellow peppers--they all are amazing!)
-Salt, vinegar, onion and garlic powder 
-Chopped cilantro (opt.)

1. Place in oven or toaster oven at 425 degrees
2. To prepare the avocado, mash the avocado in a bowl. It tastes best as a "sauce" when it is made similar to guacamole. I added a dash of salt, garlic and onion powder, and a tiny splash of white vinegar. I have mixed chopped onions in it as well. Mix together, and spread the "sauce" over the two pitas.
3. Add all of your toppings, top with desired amount of cheese (remember, cheese adds a lot of extra calories and fat, so keep it light!)
4. I like to top mine with cilantro just because I like it on any kind of Mexican food.
5. Bake for 10-15 minutes, until cheese is melted and crust is toasted