
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

leftover turkey?

After the holidays, I always find myself with the dilemma of having way too many leftovers. This year, I didn't even make a turkey and still somehow ended up with a huge bag full of leftovers! So, I tried some recipes out. Tonight was turkey enchiladas. Personally, I like chicken better than turkey, but this dish is pretty yummy!

Whole Wheat Turkey Enchiladas
2-3 c.. leftover turkey, shredded
8 Whole Wheat Tortilla wraps (I use Chi-Chi's brand)
1 Can enchilada sauce
1/2 Onion, diced
1/2 Green pepper, diced
1/4 c. Salsa
Cumin, salt, Worcestershire garlic powder for flavor
  1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Shred turkey and dice vegetables. Throw in a skillet with 1/3 C water, salsa, and a dash of cumin, salt, garlic and Worcestershire (sounds weird, but it does give it some more flavor). Simmer for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Pour just enough enchilada sauce in baking dish to cover the bottom.
  4. Once turkey mix is done simmering, lay out tortillas. Place small spoonful of mixture on tortilla, and roll them. Place the open flab down, and lay them in the baking dish.
  5. Once all wraps have been rolled, pour remainder enchilada sauce over tortilas. Top with a small amount of cheese.
  6. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
  7. Top with olives and/or small dollop of sour cream (or cover it in jalapenos and hot sauce like my husband does).
I served the enchiladas with brown Spanish rice--which is probably one of my favorite dishes ever! It is my go-to recipe when I can't think of what to have. I mix chicken, ground turkey (which is my substitute for ground beef), or black beans to make a complete meal.

Spanish Rice (Brown)
4-6 cups cooked brown rice (I have found that this works better with dry rice than minute rice. I cook mine in a rice cooker--by the way which is a great investment for someone trying to save money on meals!)
1/2 Onion, diced (red onion works best, but I use whatever I have on hand)
1/2-1 green pepper, diced
1/2-1 Tomato
1/2 c. Frozen corn
1/4 c Fresh Cilantro
1/2 Packet taco seasoning
1/4 c. salsa
2 T. Lime Juice
salt, pepper, cumin
  1. Cook rice according to instructions.
  2. While rice is cooking, saute green pepper, onion, and corn in a skillet, just long enough to dethaw corn and to soften the veggies (I like the veggies still crunchy, though some may prefer them to be soft).
  3. Once rice is done, place in large bowl. 
  4. Mix ALL ingredients together in bowl.
  5. Season with salt, pepper and cumin. Add more lime juice if necessary.
  6. Add ground turkey, shredded chicken, or black beans for a whole meal!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

ole! fiesta salad and sweet potato chips....

I had some extra time on my hands yesterday, so I decided to have some fun in the kitchen! I got some great deals on produce this week, so I decided to make a gourmet salad for dinner. It was delectable! Below are the ingredients--whenever I cook, I usually don't measure out things...I go by my judgment. I added leftover chicken to ours...though it is delicious without! With the pico de gallo as the dressing, you don't even need the calorie and fat laden dressings. I just sprinkled my salad with a tad more vinegar and salt, and it was incredible!

Black Bean and Avacado Salad (for about 4 servings)
1 package spring lettuce (or whatever kind of lettuce you like)
1 avacado, diced
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed

Pico de gallo (used as the dressing)
2-4 diced tomatos
1/2-1 diced onion
1/4c diced cilantro
1/4 frozen corn (because I love corn!)
1/2tsp diced garlic
Vinegar and salt to taste

I also got sweet potatoes on sale. I have never cooked with sweet potatoes before, so  I thought I would buy some and see what I could do with them. I made sweet potato chips! They were pretty yummy. I had never had them before, I had to eat a few to get used to the taste--they are a lot more like banana chips than potato chips :) But they are a healthy and yummy alternative to fried potato chips!

Baked Sweet Potato Chips
3 Sweet potatos, sliced very thin
2 tbs Olive oil
Salt to taste

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Blanch, then drain sweet potato slices (it helps them cook quicker in the oven)
2. Toss slices in a large bowl with oil and salt.
3. Line edged baking sheets with foil (easy clean-up!), and lay the slices in single layer.
4. Bake for 30 min, flipping once or until they are soft (I like mine crunchy, so I baked them for 45 minutes, and just took off the done ones before they burned).
5. Season with salt and enjoy :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

weak arms, strong will

So, I have been doing these workouts that my awesome workout buddy, Jenna has taught me. I haven't done them without her yet, so today I went outside of my comfort zone and tried it on my own during my workout.

Today I did arms, and I use 2.5lb, 5lb, and 10lb weights. By the end of the workout, I realized that I am grunting, and sweating, and can barely do the 10 reps with the 10lb weight. That's when I looked around me, and there were guys lifting 100+ pounds.  I felt so weak!  But hey, a couple years back, I would never step foot in a least I am doing something!! :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

the little things...

My husband and I were walking around our neighborhood last night when I came to a very random and somewhat crazy revelation. My legs weren't rubbing together. I cannot ever remember walking without my legs rubbing together!! He laughed and shook his head. I know he thinks I'm crazy--but it is a great feeling!

With that inspiration, I created an impromptu list of those little things of life that have changed since losing weight!
-My knees no longer hit my stomach when biking...or when going upstairs
-My bed no longer groans when I jump in.
-I can actually jump into bed!
-I can cross my legs--without having to grab and pull one leg over
-I can  jog up steps gracefully
-I can jog...period!!!
-I do not get winded while eating a big meal
-I have trouble even eating a large meal to begin with---no matter how much I want to!
-I didn't know you could even collect fat in your fingers!
-No more chaffage in awkward places
-My flip flops last longer--I'm not kidding, they really do!

If anyone has any more little revelations since losing weight (or anything they hope to have as a revelation) please add to my list!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

the root of it all

When I was gaining weight, I don't think I fully realized what was happening to me. I remember looking at some pictures after a birthday party--and I couldn't recognize myself in the pictures. It's crazy how we can put a veil over our eyes so we ignore our problems.

In the same way, I had a veil over my eyes covering the root of all my issues. As I had mentioned before, I had some serious emotional scars from early in life, which began the spiral downward into serious anxiety issues, and eventually severe depression, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, and self harm. I would always justify my problems by victimizing myself and saying, "I was hurt by others," or, "I can't control my past, which made me who I am." I also gave excuses like, "I'm chemically imbalanced--I have no control over this," or, "The medication and treatment is making me gain weight." I gave all of the control of the situation to my past and to outside influences and made myself the victim.

This tactic worked for a while. I blamed everything and everyone else for my issues. I went to doctors, and got a pill that was suppose to fix my chemical imbalance and make everything better. I realized that the pills worked for a quick spell, then stopped. For years, I went from pill to pill to pill trying to find one to "fix" my emotional and mental problems. Nothing worked--I kept declining, and kept spiraling out of control.

Throughout this whole situation, I had family and friends praying for me. I know it was through their prayers that Christ unveiled my eyes to the real issue...I was deep in sin. It isn't the sin that we may usually think of--but it was sin. I was anxious about everything (Matthew 6:25-34),  I hated myself, and hated others (Matthew 5:44). I was deceitful, and was caught up in lies. I was completely selfish, and wanted everyone to focus on me and my needs. I idolized food, and put things and people before God. I tried to fill the voids in my life with friends and significant others (Matthew 6:24). I found my worth in what was said of me, what I looked like, and who loved me. I continually dishonored my parents. I was hurting my body, purposely and inadvertently (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Sin....sin......sin.....

This revelation was a process--it was not quite a Paul on the road to Damascus experience. Over time, Christ brought people in my life who--without knowing--showed me that my issues was not my past, my chemical imbalance, or my meds. It is was my sin. Slowly, Christ revealed how much I needed him and his forgiveness and guidance in all these areas of my life.

My emotional, mental, and physical issues all stemmed off of my sin issue. It wasn't until I met my spiritual sickness and dealt with it that I could work on my other illnesses. I realized that as I was being changed and made new in Christ, that my emotional/mental issues began to improve, too.

I have spoken to a lot of other people who have or are dealing with either serious mental/emotional, or weight issues. Many who have overcome these issues had to come to the realization that there is a spiritual side to these battles that must be dealt with--or else all other remedies are just bandaids over the problem.

I hope to hear others' thoughts on this big of a role does "spiritual sickness" play in mental/emotional and physical issues?


Friday, November 11, 2011

diet...the "four letter" word

One of the most common things I hear--especially from other women--is "I need to go on a diet." That word nearly makes me cringe!!! Throughout high school and college, I tried dieting to lose weight. I've tried a no carb diet, low carb diet, low fat diet, low calorie diet, the south beach diet, the special K diet, Slimfast, fruit and veggie fasts...none of them worked for me! The problem with dieting for me is that when I deprive myself of something, it just makes me want it more. So when I fall off the diet, I indulged in the foods I was depriving myself, and ended back at square one.

Is this because I don't have a strong will--well that's possible I guess. But I've realized that dieting--unless done correctly and with guidance--is just a bandaid over a much bigger problem.

For many people, going on a diet isn't a bad thing. A lot of people have been successful on a diet, and can keep the weight off. But I know many can relate with me, and know how frustrating it is to feel like you are in a vicious cycle.

So...obviously I didn't lose weight because of a diet. In fact throughout this whole process, I NEVER deprived myself of certain foods. So how did I lose weight without a diet?  Well, I'll get to that another time :)

I am curious what other's think about this topic, and if others find or have found themselves in that vicious cycle. I would also love to hear from those who HAVE been successful with diets, and how they maintained it!

Till next time....


Today is my husbands birthday!!!  I am so blessed to have him in my life! You are the best, hon! I love you!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

my story

Left: Reaching well over 200lbs in summer 2005 Right: Down to 145 in summer 2010

Many who know me would say I am just an average mid-west girl. Yet, many who know me don't know my whole story. I was born and raised in Indiana and I grew up in an loving Christian home.

In my pre-teen years, I got involved with the wrong type of friends. I'll be honest, at the time it was fun to be "popular" and have a lot of friends. Yet, with the attention, came some very negative consequences. Long story short, I was sexually "harassed" on school property by a few male class-mates for a period of time. I knew it was wrong as this was happening, but I was too scared to share it with anyone. It wasn't until years down the road while I was in counseling that I finally opened up and shared what had happened.

Going through that at such an early age without every dealing with the emotions, it was embedded in my mind that I was worthless, and it left some serious emotional scars. I slowly began to spiral down, and began hating myself, and hating others out of fear. I became anxious, paranoid, and depressed. I became very sick that year out of fear and anxiety. In high school I continued to spiral down into a deep depression to the point that somedays, I couldn't make myself get out of bed. I began "eating" my feelings, and was comforted by food. I gained 50lbs within a few months, and continued to pile on the pounds year after year.

In high school, I had lost all hope. I attempted suicide twice. The second time, I ended up being hospitalized at the behavioral health center. It was there that God met me where I was at. I spent that time in prayer and reflection, and left the center ready to change. I slowly began the process of healing. It seems I had to get worse before getting better, and it took years for me to fully begin the healing process.

Through God's grace, He helped me deal with my spiritual sickness, then I was able to work through my emotional and mental sickness--Praise the LORD!!! Towards the end of college,  I began working on my physical health, and became very interested in health and wellness. I began running my senior year (it helps when you married a college level running coach), and truly enjoy it! I have amazing support through my husband, my family, and my friends to continue my weight loss journey.

I graduated in 2009--shortly after the economic fallout---worst timing ever! I got married a few months after graduation. The job my husband had fell through. We found ourselves jobless, with little cash, and a lot of loans. We worked a few jobs, and made ends meat. I realized that I had to get creative in order to continue a healthy lifestyle while staying on a tight budget. I have learned a few tricks along the way :)

Now, I am not a nutritionist, nurse, or anything of the sort. Everything I know is from my own experience, and through researching on my own. I have still have a lot to learn. I don't follow any kind of diet--in fact I consider that word a "four letter word." I am not an extreme health nut either--I love chocolate, coffee, soda, and will have the occasional piece of cheese cake! I have learned that lifestyle changes are what make the difference--not fad diets or depriving yourself of everything yummy.

I really hope to learn a lot from others on their tips for staying healthy while still counting every penny!!!