
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

my story

Left: Reaching well over 200lbs in summer 2005 Right: Down to 145 in summer 2010

Many who know me would say I am just an average mid-west girl. Yet, many who know me don't know my whole story. I was born and raised in Indiana and I grew up in an loving Christian home.

In my pre-teen years, I got involved with the wrong type of friends. I'll be honest, at the time it was fun to be "popular" and have a lot of friends. Yet, with the attention, came some very negative consequences. Long story short, I was sexually "harassed" on school property by a few male class-mates for a period of time. I knew it was wrong as this was happening, but I was too scared to share it with anyone. It wasn't until years down the road while I was in counseling that I finally opened up and shared what had happened.

Going through that at such an early age without every dealing with the emotions, it was embedded in my mind that I was worthless, and it left some serious emotional scars. I slowly began to spiral down, and began hating myself, and hating others out of fear. I became anxious, paranoid, and depressed. I became very sick that year out of fear and anxiety. In high school I continued to spiral down into a deep depression to the point that somedays, I couldn't make myself get out of bed. I began "eating" my feelings, and was comforted by food. I gained 50lbs within a few months, and continued to pile on the pounds year after year.

In high school, I had lost all hope. I attempted suicide twice. The second time, I ended up being hospitalized at the behavioral health center. It was there that God met me where I was at. I spent that time in prayer and reflection, and left the center ready to change. I slowly began the process of healing. It seems I had to get worse before getting better, and it took years for me to fully begin the healing process.

Through God's grace, He helped me deal with my spiritual sickness, then I was able to work through my emotional and mental sickness--Praise the LORD!!! Towards the end of college,  I began working on my physical health, and became very interested in health and wellness. I began running my senior year (it helps when you married a college level running coach), and truly enjoy it! I have amazing support through my husband, my family, and my friends to continue my weight loss journey.

I graduated in 2009--shortly after the economic fallout---worst timing ever! I got married a few months after graduation. The job my husband had fell through. We found ourselves jobless, with little cash, and a lot of loans. We worked a few jobs, and made ends meat. I realized that I had to get creative in order to continue a healthy lifestyle while staying on a tight budget. I have learned a few tricks along the way :)

Now, I am not a nutritionist, nurse, or anything of the sort. Everything I know is from my own experience, and through researching on my own. I have still have a lot to learn. I don't follow any kind of diet--in fact I consider that word a "four letter word." I am not an extreme health nut either--I love chocolate, coffee, soda, and will have the occasional piece of cheese cake! I have learned that lifestyle changes are what make the difference--not fad diets or depriving yourself of everything yummy.

I really hope to learn a lot from others on their tips for staying healthy while still counting every penny!!!

1 comment:

  1. Angie, I am so incredibly proud of you. Sometimes it is so hard to let people into our deepest hurts and pain. Once we are healed and free from it, we want to shout it to the world. Thank you for sharing your story, you have so much to give. You look amazing, by the way!
