
Friday, November 11, 2011

diet...the "four letter" word

One of the most common things I hear--especially from other women--is "I need to go on a diet." That word nearly makes me cringe!!! Throughout high school and college, I tried dieting to lose weight. I've tried a no carb diet, low carb diet, low fat diet, low calorie diet, the south beach diet, the special K diet, Slimfast, fruit and veggie fasts...none of them worked for me! The problem with dieting for me is that when I deprive myself of something, it just makes me want it more. So when I fall off the diet, I indulged in the foods I was depriving myself, and ended back at square one.

Is this because I don't have a strong will--well that's possible I guess. But I've realized that dieting--unless done correctly and with guidance--is just a bandaid over a much bigger problem.

For many people, going on a diet isn't a bad thing. A lot of people have been successful on a diet, and can keep the weight off. But I know many can relate with me, and know how frustrating it is to feel like you are in a vicious cycle.

So...obviously I didn't lose weight because of a diet. In fact throughout this whole process, I NEVER deprived myself of certain foods. So how did I lose weight without a diet?  Well, I'll get to that another time :)

I am curious what other's think about this topic, and if others find or have found themselves in that vicious cycle. I would also love to hear from those who HAVE been successful with diets, and how they maintained it!

Till next time....

1 comment:

  1. I never feel comfortable dieting. I really do suck at saying no to certain foods. When I'm running or around healthy people, I tend to eat better foods i.e. yogurt. I do agree that as soon as you say you're going on a diet it makes it doubly hard to commit to one (at least for me).
